Saturday, May 19, 2018

Governor Candidates Visiting Our Area

Two Democratic candidates for governor will be in our area this week. Check out these events if you can...

Meet the Candidates:
Matt Flynn for Governor
Brian Ewert for US Congress

Tuesday, May 22 @ 6PM
Track's Bar, Spooner (map)

Join former Democratic Party of Wisconsin Chair Matt Flynn and former Marshfield Clinic Executive Director Brian Ewert for a meeting at Tracks Bar and Family Dining in Spooner.

This will also be the May meeting of the Washburn County Democrats.

Tony Evers Meet & Greet
Wednesday, May 23 @ 5:30PM
Lehman's Supper Club, Rice Lake (map)

Join State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tony Evers for a meet and greet in Rice Lake at Lehman's Supper Club.