Saturday, May 2, 2020

Absentee Vote for Tricia Zunker for Congress

We've got a Special Election May 12th to replace Duffy as our representative in Congress, and we've got an outstanding candidate in Tricia Zunker!

If you haven't yet, go to right now and request your absentee ballot. Deadline is Thurs 5/7, but don't wait. Remember your completed, signed ballot needs to be received by your clerk no later than election day (Tues 5/12).

Here's a great How-To Video from As Goes Wisconsin walking you through how to request your ballot in about 2 minutes.

Don't forget: A witness needs to sign your absentee ballot and provide their address.
  • Live with a relative or roommate who's over 18 and a US citizen? They can witness your ballot.
  • If you live alone, here is a helpful video showing how to witness a neighbor's ballot while social distancing. (Note the dates on that page are for the April election, but the process is the same.)