Thursday, November 2, 2017

Rep Quinn admits Mining Bill pollutes water, votes for it anyway

Assembly Rep Romaine Quinn (R-Birchwood) can't say he doesn't know any better. He attended a community discussion last month about the dangers Toxic Sulfide Mining, and afterwards told constituents he was "not supportive" of opening Northern WI up to sulfide mining.

Then he went down to Madison and... voted to open Northern WI up to sulfide mining.

Rep Quinn on Mining Bill AB499

WATCH & SHARE: Rep Quinn flip-flops on #AB499 Mining Bill, admits it will pollute our water, votes for it anyways. #WaterIsLife #ValueWater

Posted by Barron County Democratic Party on Thursday, November 2, 2017

Please share this video.
Call Rep Quinn to share your disappointment:
(608) 266-2519

Watch Rep Quinn's full Floor Speech
arguing for sulfide mining here.