Support Tricia Zunker in the Special Primary for US Congress.
Support either Ed Fallone or Jill Karofsky in the WI Supreme Court Primary
(Top 2 face off April 7th. The third candidate is Walker-appointee Daniel Kelly, who is literally running his campaign out of the Republican Party of Wisconsin's Headquarters.)
Visit to preview your ballot, confirm you're registered to vote, find your polling place, and more!

Remember... There are 5 Election Days for us this year:
- Tuesday, February 18, 2020
- Primary: US Congress (Special Election), WI Supreme Court, & Local/County Officials
- Tuesday, April 7, 2020
- Primary: US President
- Election: WI Supreme Court & Local/County Officials
- Tuesday, May 12, 2020
- Special Election: US Congress
- Tuesday, August 11, 2020
- Primary: US Congress, State Legislature, & District Attorney
- Tuesday, November 3, 2020
- Election: US President, US Congress, State Legislature, & District Attorney